Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer in Colorado
Colorado Springs Car Accident Attorney
Safety organizations and research groups around the world all agree that there is no safe way to drink and drive, and yet it happens all the time. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 170 people in Colorado will lose their lives every year due to an intoxicated driver losing control of their vehicle. The prevalence of the problem may be due to the fact that most people do not understand how much one alcoholic beverage can inhibit them.
With a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.02% or more, a driver may experience:
- Greatly increased reaction times
- Difficulty with lane control
- Inability to distinguish moving objects from still ones
- Total lack of concentration
No matter the reason someone got behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, if they crash into you, they should be held liable for all the damage and injuries they cause. We have represented victims and families who have been hurt by a drunk driver, including accidents involving hit and runs, uninsured drivers, and multi-vehicle accidents.
You can call The Law Firm of Ted Bills and our Colorado Springs car accident lawyer at (719) 359-9000 for the dedicated legal counsel you need.
How to Prepare Your Car Accident Claim or Injury Case
The key to recovering maximum compensation for any car accident is to establish liability. As strange as it might seem, an intoxicated driver is not automatically liable for any resulting drunk driving accidents. Even after they are convicted and face legal and administrative penalties, there is no law that states that they must provide compensation to the people they have harmed. To prevent yourself from footing the bills for your own recoveries, you are going to need to file a sound car accident claim or prepare for trial.
Evidence our personal injury lawyer can collect to benefit your case includes:
- Photographs: A picture is worth a thousand words, and a photograph of the scene of your drunk driving accident is worth ten thousand more. We can analyze pictures for indication of crash velocity, direction, and more.
- Witness statements: Throughout our 20+ years of legal experience and practice, we have learned that eyewitness testimonies can be the most valuable evidence in a car accident case. Those who see the crash unfold have nothing to hide or gain, and often have a better perspective than the people in the vehicles.
- Police reports: If your crash was severe, the police should have been sent to the scene. Using their reports, our Colorado Springs auto accident lawyer can look for otherwise hidden piece of evidence. For example, if the police record that the drunk driver had a BAC well over 0.08%, it could be argued that there was zero chance of them controlling their car safely.
- Medical evaluations: We will need to determine the true value of your injury claim before you sue the liable party. By examining and reviewing your medical evaluations, we can get a better understanding of how damaging, physically and financially, the accident may prove to be.
No Fees Unless We Win Your Case!
We won't charge you until money is recovered. Learn more about our contingency fee guarantee.
We Can Help After You Have Been Hurt in a DUI Accident
For more than a decade, our team of legal professionals has striven to help innocent victims of accidents and negligence obtain just compensation. Led by a seasoned Colorado Springs car accident lawyer who will not back down in the face of the most-stubborn oppositions, we do all we can to help you find a more comfortable future. If you do not want to worry about the stresses of a court case, we are willing to aggressively negotiate for a fair settlement.
You focus on getting better, and we’ll focus on your case. Schedule a free consultation now.